How it all started...
While serving as an Associate Minister and Administrator for In The Upper Room Ministries under the leadership of Pastor David Bigsby, Rev. Dr. James E. Hunt was given a vision by God to plant a church. The vision was to create a church of significance that would impact the local communities and the world through love and servanthood. After much prayer and consultations with family and friends, in faith our congregation was christened "New Hope Christian Community Church."
On April 7th. 2007, a group of about 20 enthusiastic and faithful family and friends gathered in the family room of Pastor and Sis. Veronica Hunt to organize the church that God had called. All those present prayerfully promised to commit themselves to the building up of the new church. On April 27th. the first worship was held at Crete Elementary School in Crete, Illinois.
On July 2009, New Hope rented their "vision" church at 4700 W. Court St in Monee Illinois to accommodate the growing congregation. However, immediately after moving in the day after the departure of the previous church, New Hope was visited by the Village of Monee building and Fire Protection District inspectors. They deemed the building uninhabitable according to code and ordered New Hope to vacate the premises by the end of the week.
Undeterred, Pastor Hunt left the music and sound equipment while services were relocated temporarily. He declared we would return to reclaim the building. After much prayer and tense negotiations with mayor, New Hope reached an agreement to purchase the property. However, it wasn't until December 27, 2009 that the second service was held at our present home.
In May 2018, New Hope was wonderfully blessed as we merged with the congregation of By Faith Church led by Pastor Joseph M. Johnson. Upon this union, Pastor Hunt became Senior Pastor and Pastor Johnson assumed the role of Associate Pastor.
In 2020 the Village of Monee requested Pastor Hunt's presence at the local board meeting. He and other local pastors are routinely called upon to lead the invocation, prior to the start of the meeting. On this day however, he was offered a public apology for the mistreatment New Hope received in 2009. On Sunday August 9, 2020 several board members attended the worship service to celebrate New Hope's presence in the community. God grace has truly kept us through it all and we are forever grateful for His bountiful blessings.
On April 7th. 2007, a group of about 20 enthusiastic and faithful family and friends gathered in the family room of Pastor and Sis. Veronica Hunt to organize the church that God had called. All those present prayerfully promised to commit themselves to the building up of the new church. On April 27th. the first worship was held at Crete Elementary School in Crete, Illinois.
On July 2009, New Hope rented their "vision" church at 4700 W. Court St in Monee Illinois to accommodate the growing congregation. However, immediately after moving in the day after the departure of the previous church, New Hope was visited by the Village of Monee building and Fire Protection District inspectors. They deemed the building uninhabitable according to code and ordered New Hope to vacate the premises by the end of the week.
Undeterred, Pastor Hunt left the music and sound equipment while services were relocated temporarily. He declared we would return to reclaim the building. After much prayer and tense negotiations with mayor, New Hope reached an agreement to purchase the property. However, it wasn't until December 27, 2009 that the second service was held at our present home.
In May 2018, New Hope was wonderfully blessed as we merged with the congregation of By Faith Church led by Pastor Joseph M. Johnson. Upon this union, Pastor Hunt became Senior Pastor and Pastor Johnson assumed the role of Associate Pastor.
In 2020 the Village of Monee requested Pastor Hunt's presence at the local board meeting. He and other local pastors are routinely called upon to lead the invocation, prior to the start of the meeting. On this day however, he was offered a public apology for the mistreatment New Hope received in 2009. On Sunday August 9, 2020 several board members attended the worship service to celebrate New Hope's presence in the community. God grace has truly kept us through it all and we are forever grateful for His bountiful blessings.

Expanding the vision...
New Hope is proud to partner with the Monee Alliance of Churches (MAC). We work with the community to provide outreach and services. Whether it's providing a polling place for residents, sharing meals through our pantry or hosting an event, we value relationships with our city and surrounding areas.
Where we are headed...
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work in us...Eph. 3:20 NIV
God is making a new creation in us. We put off thinking and actions that hold us to past failures. We reach towards the future knowing that God's presence is with us, empowering us to be better. We re-imaging the possibilities and take the limits off ourselves as we embrace the mind of Christ.
Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work in us...Eph. 3:20 NIV
God is making a new creation in us. We put off thinking and actions that hold us to past failures. We reach towards the future knowing that God's presence is with us, empowering us to be better. We re-imaging the possibilities and take the limits off ourselves as we embrace the mind of Christ.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 11 am